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How to operate the DA53-T controller of press brake?

Views: 5056     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-07-29      Origin: Site

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datouch50 (1)

  • "Hot-key” touch navigation

  • 10.1" high resolution colour TFT

  • Up to 4 axes (Y1,Y2 + 2 aux. axes)

  • Crowning control

  • Tool / material / product library

  • Servo and frequency inverter controlAdvanced Y-axis control algorithms for closed-loop as well as open-loop valves

  • TandemLink (option)USB memory stick interfacing

  • Profile-T offline software

Operation overview and general introduction

1. The control unit

The DA53T controller as follows:


The precise outfit of your control may vary.

Operation of the control is mainly done over the touchscreen. A description of the functions and available touch controls is given in the next sections of this manual, aside of the description of the specific functions.

This user manual focuses on the control software and related machine functions.

2. control elements

The Start and Stop button is integrated into the touchscreen user interface.


3. USB connectors


At the right side of the control, a USB port is available for the connection of external devices, such as a memory stick or an external keyboard or mouse.

4. Operation and programming modes

The DA-Touch control’s main screen looks as follows:


Depending on the navigation button which is active, the screen will differ. The above main screen will appear having the Products function active.

Just by tapping the various modes, the specific mode will be selected.

The structure of the main screen is as follows:


At the top, the title panel is always shown. In this area, you can find logo information, which product is loaded, the active bend, the selected subdirectory, and (when activated) the service row. Also, machine indicators can be found here.



In the information panel all functions and visualisation related to the selected modus are displayed and can be found.



The command panel is part of the Information panel and is the location where the controls related to the Information panel can be found.


The Navigation panel is the area where all the major modes can be found. This area is always visible. The controls, large buttons with icons, can be used to directly switch from one mode to the other.


Explanation of the main modes / navigation buttons


5. Getting started

5.1. Introduction

In order to obtain a bend program for a product, the control offers the possibility to create a product drawing and calculate a valid bend sequence for the product. With this information, a product program is generated.

This is done with the following steps:

a. Go to the Products mode in the navigation panel and start a new product by tap ping New Product.

b. Enter the product properties and start to draw a 2D product profile in the Drawing mode.

c. Check the tooling, modify or make a new set-up in the Tool Setup mode.

d. Use the Bend Sequence mode to determine the bend sequence by calculating it. or manually modifying it upon your own idea’s.

e. When required modify the numerical CNC program via the Program mode.

f. Tap Auto and press the Start button in order to produce the programmed product.

5.2. Preparations
  • Before product programming can be started, the following preparations must be made.
    The correct material properties must have been programmed in the Materials library. You can find this on the Materials page in the Settings mode.

  • The correct tools must be programmed in the Tool Library. Tools are necessary to create a CNC program. You can find the libraries for the different types of tools in the Machine mode.

5.3. Create a drawing

The control offers the functionality to create a drawing of the intended product. With this drawing application, tap Drawing in the navigation panel, a 2D profile is created. At this stage, there is no calculation of bends or dimensions: any profile or drawing can be created.

The drawing method on the Touch screen control is based on:

  • Sketching

  • Value setting


The product as well as tool shape Sketching can be done by tapping on the screen in the different directions the drawing must have. The application will follow the tapping with drawing a line between the indicated points. The last point of the design will show always a big red dot. When the drawing dot is on the screen you can hold your finger on this position and move the finger across the screen to move the connected line in another required direction or make the line length longer. This method is the so-called ‘Dragging’ facility. The length and angle value will be visible on the screen and can be adjusted to be exact or close to the requested value.

Value Setting

Once the product or tool is drawn in the Sketching method the exact values of line lengths and angles can be optimized by the Value setting method. Just tap 2 times on the value of the line length or angle to change and the keyboard will pop-up. The value can be entered in 2 ways of confirmation:

  • Enter function

  • Enter-Next function

The Enter function will close the keyboard after entering the value. The Enter-Next function will enter the value on the line or angle to change and the keyboard will remain opened for the next programming step.

In case the typed value is erroneous, the “undo” button right from the input field can be tapped to return to the original value or the backspace key on the keyboard to delete the last typed character.

Zoom Function

By pinching the screen with two fingers simultaeously one can zoom in and out on the drawing, tool or machine visualisation. By spreading fingers the system will zoom-in, by bringing fingers nearer to each other the system will zoom-out.


In the command icons on the side of the screen you will find a Fit-To-Screen function. This can be used when the drawing size is not clear in picture. Just tap once and the complete drawing will be sized to fit the drawing screen.

6. Programming aids

6.1 Listbox functionality

Several parameters on the control have a limited number of possible values. When selecting such a parameter, by tapping the parameter line on the screen, the list of options will open up near the position where you tapped the line, and the desired value can be selected.

6.2 Parameter zoom functionality

To improve the focus on parameters, and to ease the use while programming, the parameter zoom function will enlarge specific parameterlines when being programmed. When selecting eg. force in Program mode, the force lines will expand giving them better focus while fine tuning.

6.3. Navigation

Within some modes, the program screens are divided into tabs.


The tabs can easily be selected by just tapping them. When a tab is not completely visible or not visible at all, just by dragging the tab row horizontally, the desired tab can be “pulled” in sight and be selected.

6.4. Text input and editing

The cursor can be used to enter a specific value or text within an existing input. Just tap at the desired position to do so. The cursor will appear and input will be added there.

6.5. Typing alphanumeric characters vs. special characters

Both alphanumeric characters and special characters can be used throughout the control. A full on-screen alphanumerical keyboard will pop up when required.

When editing a field which is pure numeric, the alphanumeric characters will be hidden. For fields which enable to use alphanumerical strings, the keyboard is completely available.

Special characters as ? % – can be found using the special character button on the left-lower side of the keyboard.


6.6. Messages centre

When messages are displayed coming from PLC, Safety systems or the Sequencer, these messages can be ‘send’ to the ‘Messages centre’. When a message is displayed simultaneously the message centre symbol is shown in the top row of the page header, next to eg. the keylock symbol. When tapping this message centre symbol the messages are taken from the screen, giving way for normal programming and editing. When tapping again the actual messages are shown.

When messages are in the background, the message centre symbol has an extra indicator to show new incoming messages which are not yet shown.


6.7. Keylock function

To prevent for changes to products or programs, the keylock function offers the possibility to lock the control.

There are two levels of locking the control. Program Lock and Machine Lock.

  • In Program Lock, only a product can be selected and executed in Automatic mode.

  • In Machine Lock, the machine is locked and the control can not be used.

To lock a control just tap the lock symbol in the top of the screen. Depending on the code which is used, the control will be in Program Lock or Machine Lock. Program Lock wil show a closed lock in grey. Machine lock will show the same lock but colored (red).

Lock symbols when Program Lock is active will also appear behind parameters to show the lock is active and modification is not possible.

To unlock the control, tap the lock symbol and enter the appropriate code. After entering, the lock symbol will show it is unlocked and the lock symbols behind parameters will disappear.


6.8. Manual positioning

On the manual positioning page in Manual mode and Automatic mode a slider at the bottom of the screen can be used to position the axis. The distance moved with the slider determines the speed of the axis. When the slider is released, the axis stops. The buttons at each end of the slider can be used to fine-tune the axis position. When “sliding” the beeper gives feedback that the axis is moving.


6.9. Software versions

The version of the software in your control is displayed at the System Information tab in the Machine menu.


Example of version number:
V 1.2.3
V stands for version
V 1.x.x is the major version number
V x.2.x is the minor version number
V x.x.3 is the update version number

The major version number is increased when new major features are added to the software. These software changes require additional introduction and could change the normal working order. The minor version number is increased when new features and enhancements are integrated which do not change the working order. The update version number solely is used for software changes when corrections are needed in the existing software version.

Stay tuned, we will continue to update and unlock more actions!

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  High-tech Industrial Park Bowang District Ma'anshan, Anhui, China 


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Upgrade Plan

Bending Angle Measurement


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